1. This album along with “Big in Japan,” are my favorite Wormsign albums by far. Both get tons of play still. Great work…

    Are there any songs from these albums that didn’t make the cut?

    1. Sorry it’s been so long since I replied. Life pulls me in several directions these days. The Big in Japan album might be my favorite as well. There was a cool vibe running through that record that was all about where I was. It was during a period I was spending alot of time downtown LA going to galleries and playing. It was a surreal time with lots of late night driving in the tunnels that I grew up seeing in Less than Zero and Blade Runner. And at the same time I was devouring films and as you can tell from the samples, the music to me was very cinematic. It was landscapes painted with sounds and words from what I was taking in.

      Their are no real outakes to most of the albums. Since I get to release anything I want. I tend to only hold back failed experiements that are never finished. So I don’t know of any other songs from that era.

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